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Question 9: A fetal karyotype is indicated in the presence of the following anomalies

Talipes equinovarus


Bilateral renal agenesis

Congenital diaphragmatic herniA

Cystic hygroma

Question 10: In an uncomplicated pregnancy that has progressed beyond 41 weeks gestation, induction of labour, when compared to expectant management, is associated with

Increased caesarean section rate
True False

Decreased perinatal mortality

Increased risk of meconium aspiration


Increased instrumental delivery rate
Question 18: Primary dysmenorrhoea

Is associated with post-menarchal anovulatory cycles
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Of a severe degree occurs in up to 15% of teenage girls
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

Will respond to treatment with NSAIDs or COCP in 30% of cases
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: false

Is associated with chronic PID
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false
Posted by H P.
Question 2: Following gynaecological surgery in which the peritoneum is not closed

Re-peritonisation occurs within 48h
Complete healing of peritoneal surfaces occurs within 5 days

There is more adhesion formation compared to procedures in which the peritoneum is closed

Adhesion formation is a result of raw surfaces being apposed
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: false
The following are recognised causes for a delay in recovery of consciousness after general anaesthesia

Fat embolism
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

Acute intermittent porphyria
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

Residual curarisation
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: false

19: Hysterectomy

Reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 50%
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

With conservation of the ovaries is associated with residual ovary syndrome in about 20% of women
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

With bilateral oophrectomy is never associated with the ovarian remnant syndrome
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

For benign disease is associated with bladder injury in 1:200 cases
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

With respect to diathermy

Unipolar diathermy is safer than bipolar diathermy
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Bipolar diathermy generates higher tissue temperatures than unipolar diathermy
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

The patient does not have to be earthed when bipolar diathermy is used
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Bipolar diathermy is ideal for cutting
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

A vesico-vaginal fistula

Should be left for ten days before repair
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Is associated with pyelonephritis
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: false

Is associated with amenorrhoea
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

Is associated with lower limb weakness, foot drop and limb contractures
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: true
35 year old woman develops a vesico-vaginal fistula 10 days after abdominal hysterectomy

Surgical repair should be performed immediately
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Pyelonephritis is a common complication
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: false

If left untreated, the majority of such fistulae would heal spontaneously
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

Catheterisation for 6 weeks is acceptable treatment
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

With respect to diathermy

Unipolar diathermy achieves a cutting effect when the cutting electrode is not quite in contact with the tissue
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

Unipolar diathermy can be used for coagulation
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

Diathermy endometrial resection may be performed with saline as distending medium
True False Hetal\'s answer: false Correct answer: false

With bipolar diathermy, both electrical contacts are on the surgical instrument
True False Hetal\'s answer: true Correct answer: true

Question 3: Internal iliac artery ligation

Causes necrosis of pelvic tissue
Arrests blood flow in a severed uterine artery

May be used in the management of post-partum haemorrhage

Is performed just below the origin of the ovarian artery