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To Dr Paul

To Dr Paul Posted by Sahathevan S.
Dear Dr Paul,
Could you kindly correct my MCQ answers

1).Follwing statements concerning eclampsia are correct

If maternal death follows ,the commonest cause is renal failure False

2). Breast feeding is compromised by Metranidozole True

3.Features characteristically associated with an imperforate vagina in a girl 16yrs include anXXkarytype True

4. HRT for postmenopausal women is associated with
a) a decrease in the concentration of factor VIII True
b) a decrease in the concentration of serum FSH True

5.The following metabolic changes occur with the use of the COCP
There is decrease in plasma pyridoxine concentration True

6.Recognised aetiological factors in spontaneous first trimester miscarriage include
Folate deficiency True

7. Danazol causes reduction in total thyroxine level True

8.In pregnancy complicated by IDDM
Impending IDDM is associated with sharp fall in maternal insulin requirement Flase
9. Regarding TCRE Fluid overload is the most common complication True

10 Recognised associations exist between mid trimester miscarriage and
a)recurrent gonococcal infection True
b)bleeding in the first trimester True