Recgnised association of oligomenorrhoea include
!. Chronic renal failure T
Use of Progestogen only Pill is associated with
1. Endometrial decidualization T
With regard to female sterilization as practiced in the UK
1. There is increased failure rate if performed at same time as termination of pregnancy. F
2. It is the commonest contraception used by those whose family is complete.
Posted by M M A.
Hello Dr
Alsalam Aleikom
Recgnised association of oligomenorrhoea include
!. Chronic renal failure T...........I AGREE WITH YOU
Use of Progestogen only Pill is associated with
1. Endometrial decidualization T.........i THINK FALSE=PSEUDODECIDUALISATION
With regard to female sterilization as practiced in the UK
1. There is increased failure rate if performed at same time as termination of pregnancy. F....AGREE WITH YOU
2. It is the commonest contraception used by those whose family is complete. .......I THINK TRUE, BUT WE NEED DR PAUL OPINION ABOUT LONG ACTING REVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTIVE METHOD...Do their use nowaday is more common than female sterilisation....?