Dear Sir,
Please I need your correction
The following are from past papers:
** Premature ovarian failure dose not occur when plasma osteriol concentrations are normal.......Does this Sentence mean Ov Failure can not be diagnosed when there is normal osteriol level??
By that it will be true...
**90% of women with idiopathic menorrhagia ovulate normally...T
**Meconium aspiration is more common after breech delivery.....T
Posted by M M A.
Dear Dr paul
we know that premature ovarian failure does not mean that ovulation will not occur again perminantly and it depend on the ovarian reserve,,but I have some point need further clarification please: does premature ovarian failure and premature menopuase is synonymous? ?
bacause if they are synonymous this mean that the diagnosis will depend on elevated FSH level specially >40 iu...
can you help me with that please?!
Posted by M M A.
what about meconium aspiration incidence in breech presentation?
does my answers seems true..?