Dear Paul thanks for checking my previous MCQ\'s. Could you please check few more MCQ queries.
1) There is recognised association between
Donor inemination in natural cycles: increased miscarriage rates = false
2) Rh ?ve women, with rh D antibodies, is now in 18th week of pregnancy. Last child had haemolytic disease and required exchange Transfusion. This preg is by different partner, whose rh genotype is cde/ CDE. Therefore
if an affected foetus requires intrauterine transfusion then group O rh ?ve blood should be crossmatched against mothers serum. = true
3) There is recognised association between Intra uterine death and
1. well controlled maternal diabetes = F
2. ext cephalic version = T
3. infection with toxoplasma gondii = F
4) Rubella infection and pregnancy:
1. maternal infection in 2nd trimester is followed by neonatal rubella syndrome in less than 1%. = T
2. rubella vaccination is associated with neonatal rubella syndrome = F
5) Parvovirus B19 infection is associated with polyarthropathy = T
6) Neonatal cytomegalovirus infection causes cataracts = T
7) Hydralizine hydrochloride is unsuitable drug for long term treatment of hypertension in pregnancy = F
8) External cephalic version of singleton breech presentation is more likely to be successful in black African than in caucasian women = T
9) If gestational age is more than 42 weeks
1. there is substantial fall in foetal Hb concentration = F
2. most common cause of perinatal death is trauma = F
3. there is a significant preponderance in females = F
10) The incidence of face presentation at term is increased by the use of epidural analgesia = F
11) Continuous lumber epidural analgesia:
1. the procedure should be abandoned if a spinal tap occurs during its administration = T
2. respiratory arrest is a recognised complication = T
12) In management of hypovolumic shock:
1. there is negligible risk of ARDS unless more than 5 litres of crystalloid has been transfused = F
2. the foot end of the bed should be raised to improve renal perfusion = F
13) Features of DIC include activation of factor VII = T
14) Recognised associations of major Pulmonary embolism include early change in chest x ray = T
15) Breast feeding and rooming
1. reduces the future incidence of NAI = T
2. encourages 4 hourly feeding regimens = F
16) Drugs unsuitable for administration in Breast feeding mothers include
1. senna = F
2. COC pills = T
3. pseudoephidrine = T
17) Premature ovarian failure does not occur when plasma oestradiol concentrations are normal = F
18) Combination of inappropriate lactation and secondary amenorrhoea has a recognised association with acromegaly = F
19) HIV
sexual transmission is reduced by the use of spermicides. = T
20) Herpes simplex type II infection is a contraindication to use IUCD = F
21) Following the insertion of IUCD a typical pregnancy rate during the first year is 4/100 women years = F
22) Most diaphragms are impregnated with nonoxyl-9 = T
23) Endometriosis is more common in women with mullerian duct abnormalities = F
24) GNRH analogues should be discontinued if ovarian hyperstimulation occurs = F
25) Correctly paired:
recurrent ulceration of labia minora: behcets disease = F
26) Cervical ectopy has histological features of an ulcer = F
27) 25 year old parous women, cervical smear showed moderate and then severe dyskariosis, had colposcopy which showed no abnormality. The following treatment are appropriate:
1. knife conization = T
2. repeat smear in 3 months = T
3. laser vaporization = F
28) In Stage IIb Ca cervix colposcopy is indicated before treatment = F
29) The following are recognised causes of a delay of more than 30 minutes in the recovery after general anaesthesia:
1. sever hypoxia during anaesthesia = T
2. perioperative blood transfusion of more than 3 units = F
3. concurrent use of hypotensive drugs = T
30) Cryosurgery is recognised as effective treatment of
CIN 3 = T