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Passing MRCOG 2

Passing MRCOG 2 Posted by Farrukh G.

Passing the MRCOG PART II Exam (Updated from April 2018 post)


We now have extensive information on the MRCOG 2 from recall questions over 2016 - Jan 2019. As a result, our course has been extensively updated. We will continue to update notes / questions as guidelines change. However, we will only add questions based on exam recalls. In particular, we will focus on EMQs as these are a better test of knowledge.



Some facts:

1)     The MRCOG II exam is a competition. You have to perform in the top 30% to be sure of passing

2)     It is almost impossible to cover the depth and breadth of the syllabus with less than 1,500 EMQ / SBA questions

3)     When you pass MRCOG II, your level of general knowledge would be at its peak. Exam preparation should enable you acquire enough general O&G knowledge to last through your career.


Preparing for the exam


9 – 12 months before the exam

  • Find out what the exam is about -  A 2 days FREE trial and some mock SBA exams would suffice. You will also get an idea of your starting knowledge. 50% or less = Poor (remember you can reduce most SBA questions to 2 possible options). 51-60% = adequate; 61-65% = good, 66-70% = excellent; >70% = fantastic and you may only need 3 months preparation. If you score 85% or over you should sit the exam with absolute confidence


Identify your preparation material:

  • NICE / RCOG / FSRH guidelines
  • TOG review articles – remember these are not guidelines and sometimes contradict national guidelines
  • STRATOG Modules
  • BusySpR or other substantial question bank
  • Text books – one for Obs and one for Gynae: These will be your reference books for your career. I use High Risk Pregnancy for Obs. Remember – ALL text books are out of date.



6 – 9 months before the exam

  • Your focus begins to shift from learning to passing the exam. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Map the entire curriculum
  • Rate topics on a scale of 1 – 10 where 1 = very weak, 10 = very strong
  • Confirm your ratings by taking SBA and EMQ tests in the relevant modules


6 months before the exam

  • Write a study plan for the next 3 months – aim should be to maintain your strengths and improve your weaknesses
  • You will have good / bad days / weeks. Exceed your targets on a good day because you will fall short on bad days
  • READ – TEST – READ - TEACH and save your scores to gauge progress. The BusySpR website has extensive notes and we typically compress most texts by 75% or more
  • The BusySpR notes now indicate areas that we know have been tested in 2016 - Jan 2019. Copy these sections and paste in a separate document for your final revision.
  • Have a book / document in which you enter all new learning. You need to go through this new data several times to move it into your long-term memory. Otherwise it would evaporate and you will make little progress. Learn at least one new fact relevant to the exam every day!  
  • TEACH – this is a fantastic way to learn. You feel good when you remember something new and transfer knowledge. When you cannot remember publicly, the pain / embarrassment facilitates subsequent learning


3 months before the exam

  • Take stock – what went well with the 6 months plan? What did not go well and why?
  • If you did not have a 6 months plan then time to write a 3 months plan. You will have to work twice as hard.
  • Dedicate 2 weeks to rectify any issues from the 6 months plan – areas not covered / areas of persistent weakness
  • Then REVISION mode – this means you will not be reading any new books / papers … – just consolidating. Continue to collect and revise newly learnt material
  • Participate in MRCOG II Past questions Skype tutorials. 1 hour per week for 10-12 weeks and aim is to gain an extra 10-12 marks. These are free to subscribers
  • We also offer 1:1 exam coaching: 8 x 30 mins sessions for £195


1 month to the exam

  • Take stock
  • Dedicate 1 week to rectify issues from 3 months plan
  • QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS – particularly PAST QUESTIONS as repeat rate is high!


1 week to exam

  • Read saved notes for areas tested in recent MRCOG II exams
  • Read your collection of newly learnt material
  • Identify areas that evaporate quickly and that you are going to read the day before the exam


Exam day

  • This is a competition – not just an exam
  • You need a positive mental attitude and a confidence that can only come from 6 – 9 months of hard work



Using our MRCOG II Exam recalls question bank Posted by Farrukh G.


July revision Posted by Chinwe N.
Good day Pls sign me up for July 2023 Skype is my email on Skype Thanks
Posted by Farrukh G.
July revision Posted by Chinwe N.
Good day Pls sign me up for July 2023 Skype is my email on Skype Thanks

Thanks - July dates will be published in due course.