please clarify my doubt regarding a young woman with symtomatic dermoid cyst (6 to 7cm),what will be the mx
My querry-
Should we write laparotomy or laparoscopy(as GT guideline says consider laparotomy,because of chance of spillage/due to rupture of cyst)
-same time ,should we go for cystectomy or oophorectomy.(defininitely we do cystectomy in real life,cosidering her age, but again there is risk of spillage due to cyst rupture.)
so in exam condition what should we wright ,if it contains both options.
please clarify it
Thank you
dermoid cyst management in young woman
Posted by afraa A.
according to the green top guidline it is controversial but depends on the cyst size , 5-7 cm can be removed by laparoscopy using tissue bag , but more than 7 laparatomy is preferred , as i understand .
the statment is as follows
In the presence of large masses with solid components (for example large dermoid cysts) laparotomy may be appropriate.