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patch change time - Dr. Paul please

patch change time - Dr. Paul please Posted by Shweta B.

Dear Sir,


Take pill as soon as possible B Take pill as soon as possible + barrier contraception for 7 days
C Take pill as soon as possible and omit pill-free week D Administer emergency contraceptive pill
E Insert copper IUCD F Await results of pregnancy test
G Replace detached patch with a new patch H Replace with a new patch and use barrier contraception for 7 days
I Apply new patch and use barrier contraception for 7 days J Apply new patch but keep the same change date
K Apply new patch and delay change day by 24h L Apply new patch and delay change day by 36h

Instrunctions:For each of the case histories described below, choose the single most appropriate advice from the above list. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Question 1 A 30 year old nulliparous woman is using the combined contraceptive patch. She placed her second patch at 10pm before going to bed and having sexual intercourse and realised 36h later that the patch had detached

there is a confusion between interpretation of the SPC and the CEU guidance. which must we follow. wud be grateful gor ur guidance. thanx.