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pt with gynecological malignencies should not prescribed HRT

pt with gynecological malignencies should not prescribed HRT Posted by huaida A.

HRT should only prescribed if benifits out wiegh risk

 it is known that HRT stimulates breast cancer cells growth (both oesrogen and progesteron), and those who develope breast  cancer while taking HRT  are in advance stage with larg tumour.

for these reasons, pt with recent breast cancer should not prescribed HRT, and those who completed treatment  should be assessed by oncologist and menopause clinic specialist.

ovarian cancer are more in HRT users than non users so pt at risk of developing ovarian cancer , and those who have ovarian cancer should not prescribed  HRT

studies showed that oestrogen stimulate endometrial cancer, sequential HRT  also do so

 how ever coninous HRT  is more protective  , so in pt with non treated endmetrial cancer any HRT containing oestrogen should not prescribed , but in those with treated cancer ,HRT are not contraindicated but pt should be assessed by oncologist and menopause clinic specialist,