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hi !lets discuss exam

hi !lets discuss exam Posted by sofia  S.


any comments about the exam? essay was relatively easy emq were tough.difficult to judge own performance.

one query   for Dr Paul . Death of a child delivered by focep develops cerebral irritability after 1 hr diagnosed to have intracrainial or subgleal hematoma identified on investigation ,dies later.  does this death needs to be informed to coroner /procurator fiscal and for how far he will investigate.


disclosure of wife information to husband EMQ Posted by SARO K.

Options includes(a)verbal disclosure (b)written disclosure (C)can read the notes(D)copy of resulte should be given(E)get the wife permission to discuss 

Wife attending ANC at 8 weeks(1) diagnosed to have syphilis disclosure of information

(2)Rh negative with two two  previousTOP at 8 weeks having lot of anti D antibodies ,husband doctor want to have the information


can any body add on???

EMQ 2___

Perop finding during dignostic lapscopy given for a patient.Consent given for ???what to do if the finding was different during surgeryOPTONS Includes (A)ask collegues help(B)consent to procede further(C) do as per the cosent(D)ask the person on the floor to explain (E)senior help

EMQ 3__

ther was emq with latest guideline on maternal collapse.

very tough siuation given.

need some help Posted by Dr.P.Vijaya P.

I just joined in this  course.By checking my password itself I lost time 10 days gone. With my busy work already 1month finished.In discussion page I saw the new  essay questions but I dont know how to and where to check for new emqs.If I want to post my answers what is the procedure  I have to give email admnbusyspr. Please give me suggestions