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can u pls reply now paul--only few days left before 11th

can u pls reply now paul--only few days left before 11th Posted by Aafia A.

Options for Questions 9-10

A No additional intervention at this stage.B Deliver by caesarean section C Increase dose of oxytocin.D Artificial rupture of membranes E Decrease dose of oxytocin F Fetal blood sampling G Controlled artificial rupture of membranes in theatre H Intra-muscular analgesia I Continue oxytocin at current dose J Inhaled salbutamol K Sub-cutaneous terbutalline L Administer maternal facial oxygen Instrunctions:For each of the case histories described below, choose the single most appropriate management from the above list. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Explanation Question 10 A 34 year old primigravida presents in spontaneous labour at 39 weeks gestation. The cervix is 4cm dilated with thin meconium stained liquor. The CTG over 25 minutes shows a base-line fetal heart rate of 135bpm with variability of 3-4bpm, no accelerations and variable decelerations. There are 3-4 uterine contractions every 10 minutes. (

Correct answer: F) EXPLANATION GIVEN on busy spr- NICE guidlines--2 non reasuring features (low variability and variable decelerations)= pathological CTG.FBS or 4cm FBS possible.

but according to NICE guidline-Non Reasuuring Features include variability reduced for 40-90 minutes and variable decelrations with over 50% of contractions occuring for over 90 minutes. This CTG is for 25minutes,do these features classify as non reassuring and CTG as pathological?

 When there r two features (eg reduced variability and decelarations) is there no time frame required to classify CTG as pathological?

Thanks Paul.