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MCQ regarding Achondroplasia

MCQ regarding Achondroplasia Posted by Dr Dyslexia V.
Question 74: Achondroplasia

1. Affecting a pregnant woman ? epidural anaesthesia is contra-indicated
True False
2. X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true Is more commonly due to a new mutation
True False
3. X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true Is caused by a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor gene
True False
4. X\'s answer: true Correct answer: false Is associated with increased paternal age
True False
X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

Isnt GA is preferred than epidural is contraindicated?

And the mutation in the fibroblast growth factor gene is the cause of the condition

Please clarify. Thanking you
Posted by Sri S.
1. Affecting a pregnant woman ? epidural anaesthesia is contra-indicated
True False
2. X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true Is more commonly due to a new mutation
True False
3. X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true Is caused by a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor gene
True False
4. X\'s answer: true Correct answer: false Is associated with increased paternal age
True False
X\'s answer: false Correct answer: true

Isnt GA is preferred than epidural is contraindicated?

And the mutation in the fibroblast growth factor gene is the cause of the condition

Its caused by mutation in fibroblast growth factor RECEPTOR mutation