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Using the BusySpR MRCOG Part I Course

Using the BusySpR MRCOG Part I Course Posted by Farrukh G.


(1) Register


(2) Get password from your email and Log-in. Please check Junkmail. If you dod not get a password, please use FORGOT PASSWORD tool (top right) and check email again  


(3) Click 'Join this Course' to get 2 days FREE TRIAL. You only need to join once and you will automatically be enrolled to all the MRCOG PART I Courses 


(4) After 2 days, you will automatically be taken to subscription page when you access the material.


  • We have extensive lecture notes arranged in modules / topics, over 12,000 T/F questions and over 1,200 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions with a Clinical Management and Data section in line with the new exam.


  • At the bottom of enery set of notes is a field for you to post comments or questions. We will endevour to respond to questions within 72h of posting. Other users can see your comments / questions.


  • At the top of every set of notes is a link for you to add your own notes / comments. Other users cannot see these entries - these are for your personal use (like scribbling in your text book)


  • When you take a test, you will be given questions from the specific topic. If you get a question wrong, you will be given the question again the next time you take a test on that topic


  • When you take a mock exam, you will be given random questions from the entire bank. If you get a question wrong, you will be given the question again next time you take a mock exam 


  • Feel free to post questions / comments in the forum and our team will do the best to provide answers within 72h



There is a member of our team on-line most of the time to help you as needed.



Posted by sarala S.


       i am new to this busyspr. appearing for MRCOG part 1 exam this september, will i get all the lecture notes if we subscribe for 2 months,

statistics Posted by Vinita  T.

Hi , I couldnt find any notes for statistics.there are only few questions also.How to prepare this part. Please guide.

Posted by Samah  A.
hi ..lam trying to mark my test on endocrinology test on clinical mx and data correction or explanation coming please fix this exam